Believe it or not, there are hundreds of drivers in northeast Florida alone that are driving with suspended licenses or unpaid traffic tickets. A great deal of them may be putting off paying the fines due to outrageously high collection agency surcharges that are attached to the tickets. Oftentimes, collection agencies collect upwards of 40% the value of a ticket, meaning your $200 fine is escalated to $280.
If you or someone you know is facing such a ticket-related crisis, you should know that there's help just around the corner! Multiple counties – in fact, nearly all county clerks in Florida – will be participating in Operation Green Light – a temporary mandate that allows unpaid traffic tickets to be paid in full without additional collection fee surcharges. For so many drivers, this is a huge relief, as it could mean saving major portions of their bank accounts.
The temporary mandate will be in effect from 8 AM to 4 PM on April 17th and April 18th. Operation Green Light further helps those struggling with traffic fines by keeping many county clerk offices open on Saturday April 18th, when county clerk offices are normally closed to the public.
Additionally, if all traffic fines are paid in full during Operation Green Light, assuming no other outstanding circumstances exist, license suspensions can be removed. Not only do people stand to save money but they will also be presented with an important opportunity to set things right and drive legally again.
Is my county participating in Operation Green Light?
If you would like a full list of counties participating in Operation Green Light, and when to go pay your overdue tickets, visit the official website. Keep in mind that this is a limited-time mandate and will expire April 18th and may not be reinstituted ever again.
If you have questions about traffic law – or if you don't think Operation Green Light can help with your current situation – please contact Taylor Waldrop Pribisco in St. Johns County today for more information and a free initial consultation. Experienced criminal defense lawyers are waiting to help you.