The police department in Waldo, Florida, is to be disbanded. The City Council voted on Tuesday, September 30th, to remove the law enforcement office in response to rising expenses and a recently exposed speeding ticket scandal. The town of 1,000 is home to two of the nation's worst speed traps.
Waldo's police department has undergone recent investigation for illegal ticketing activity. On a small stretch of road with half a dozen speed limits, officers have written nearly 12,000 tickets in the last year alone. Five officers from the town's police force have claimed that these tickets were given to meet an illegal quota. As the state has looked into this situation and other problems, the department's chief and interim chief have resigned.
Fight your ticket with Taylor Waldrop Pribisco!
While quotas are illegal, many officers are forced to follow strict ticketing guidelines to keep their job. If you have been illegally ticketed for a traffic violation, contact a St. Augustine criminal defense attorney from our firm for the legal counsel you need. We can apply more than four decades of combined experience to help you fight any type of traffic violation. Schedule a free consultation at your firm to discuss your situation with a qualified professional!