Seattle Police Educate Hempfest Attendees on New Marijuana Rules

Seattle Police Educate Hempfest Attendees on New Marijuana Rules


Although voters approved ballot measure I-502 last November to legalize recreational marijuana in the state of Washington, and official laws regulating recreational marijuana use in the state have gone into effect, many questions still remain. While people may want believe the state's new law gives them the legal right and freedom to use marijuana wherever and whenever they want, it does not. Public use of marijuana, whether for medicinal or recreational purposes, is still illegal under Washington's new law. Enforcement of the new law has taken on a new tactic, however, as according to reports from the Seattle Police Department only verbal warnings have been issued to let people know of the new law and no tickets have been written as of yet.

At Seattle's 22nd annual Hempfest , which took place last month, police decided they would get a little creative in their efforts to educate and explain the state's new recreational marijuana law to those in attendance. Rather than pass out flyers or leaflets explaining the parameters and restrictions of the law, the Seattle Police Department decided to have a little fun by putting their message on bags of Doritos. As attendees entered the event, police officers greeted them with a smile and a bag of chips that "Hempfesters" could use if they happened to get a case of the munchies. Each stickered bag highlighted some do's and don'ts of I-502 and gave a website address people could visit to get more information. Needless to say, the way in which the Seattle Police Department chose to get their message across was a big success. All 1,000 bags were gone within less than half an hour.

Despite the legalization of recreational marijuana in Washington State, it is still illegal to possess and/or use marijuana in the state of Florida. Efforts are underway, however, to get a medical marijuana initiative on the 2014 ballot. After a recent petition championed by United for Care obtained more than 100,000 signatures, the Florida Supreme Court will now be reviewing the language of the proposal so that it can be added to the ballot providing the group gets the more than 580,000 voter signatures it needs by the February 1st deadline.

Until that time, it is extremely important that any individual who has been arrested or charged with marijuana possession or other drug crimes in St. Augustine, FL obtain legal representation from a skilled criminal defense lawyer. For years Taylor Waldrop Pribisco have successfully been defending the rights of clients accused of minor and serious drug crime offenses. If you are facing charges for a drug crime you can greatly improve your chances of having the charges against you reduced, dismissed or acquitted at trial by having a St. Augustine criminal defense lawyer aggressively advocating on your behalf.

Contact the firm now to find out how they may be able to help.