Enforce a Court Order in St. Augustine
Take Action Today to Protect Your Rights
There is nothing more stressful than dealing with a former spouse who is not complying with a court order, such as a child support order. This can place you and your loved ones under financial strain, which is unfair, not to mention unlawful. At Taylor Waldrop Pribisco, our St. Augustine divorce attorneys believe that individuals who do not obey court orders should be held accountable and brought to compliance. We can help you enforce an existing court order so you no longer need to feel stressed over this issue.
Working with St. Augustine Divorce Lawyers
Our goal is to resolve your non-compliance matter so that your best interests are honored and protected as was the court's original intent. A child support or alimony order, for example, is made in order to protect the well-being of individuals affected by a divorce. With our help, a bench warrant may be issued against the non-compliant individual. We will do whatever it takes to bring them into compliance.
Why should you hire our firm? Consider the following reasons:
- We offer affordable, in-person consultations to all our potential clients.
- We serve clients all across St. Johns County.
Taylor Waldrop Pribisco: Offering the Client-Focused Representation You Deserve
As soon as you reach out to us for help, we will begin searching for an effective solution to your case. Our investigative skills and resources can help you track down a former spouse who is evading service or is avoiding contact. We will do everything in our power to resolve your court order matter as quickly as possible.
Contact us for the step-by-step guidance you need for your court order enforcement case.
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Brad Waldrop was a huge asset!
Tami -
I would absolutely recommend him to anyone for any legal service he offers.
Anonymous -
It was like I knew him for years. I left that consultation knowing I was with the right attorney.
Former Client