Interview with Clyde M. Taylor III
Interview with Clyde M. Taylor III
- What made you want to become a criminal defense attorney? - Growing up, I watched my father defend the accused. I was proud of his work and shocked when I first learned that some people viewed defense attorneys as bad people. As I learned the history of our country, I realized the importance of our criminal justice system in our development as a nation.
- In your opinion, what sets your firm apart from the rest? - Our Team Defense approach (multiple lawyers on every case) is unique. Many criminal defense lawyers are sole practitioners and don't have the benefit of "two heads are better than one." We also are a perfect balance of an old-school and new-school elements of our practice.
- Why should someone choose to hire you over a public defender? - Unfortunately, our public defenders are overworked and underpaid. There are many brilliant attorneys that work as public defenders, but the lack of funding makes it impossible for them to provide the individualized attention to each case that our firm provides.
- What is the first thing you do when you take on a new case? - We evaluate the strength of the State's evidence and investigate the facts to gather evidence that may help strengthen our client's case.
- How do you view your role in the attorney-client relationship? - As a counselor, educator, and protector. We inform our clients about the process, educate them about their rights, and help them to make the best decision that serves their best interest. This frequently requires educating clients and their families. Ultimately, we have to protect our clients from the government and fight for their freedom.
- What advice do you most often give your clients & why? - We most frequently advise our clients to exercise their constitutional right to remain silent and to keep their mouth shut.
- Tell us about a case that you are particularly proud of - All of my cases where my efforts got a person out of jail or prison.
- Some say that time is of the essence after an arrest – is this true? - Absolutely. Evidence must be gathered as soon as possible and early intervention with law enforcement and the State Attorney can help a favorable outcome.
- How long have you been representing the criminally accused? - Since I was in law school in 1998. I participated in a clinic with our local public defender's office and were allowed to perform limited functions as interns acting as lawyers.
- Why should a prospective client choose to work with your firm? - Clients should hire us because they trust us. Just as I would advise my friends and family, clients should hire someone they trust. Our training, experience, work-ethic, practice, and genuine care for our clients are reasons we ask our clients to trust us.
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